Accessibility Services (AS) staff collaborates with campus members with disabilities to identify appropriate accommodations that will ensure equal access to university programs, activities and services. The accommodations process is designed to be collaborative. Upon enrollment with the office, Accessibility Services Coordinator will work with you and any other relevant university department to arrange reasonable accommodations. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Accessibility Services Coordinator (484)-365-5213 or email
Types of Accommodations
Accessibility Services (AS) is dedicated to making sure students with disabilities have reasonable accommodations they need to learn, liberate and lead at Lincoln University. Below is a list of possible reasonable academic accommodations and support services. *Note- not an exhaustive list
Students interested in University housing are required to complete a Residence Life Housing Accommodation form and submit it to the Office of Residence Life. Students who require special housing accommodations due to a documented disability covered by the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), must complete the required section on the Residence Life Housing Application. Disabilities covered by ADA includes, but not limited to, visual impairments, permanent physical disabilities, chronic medical conditions, and psychiatric disabilities which may require special housing accommodations based on their condition. Some disabilities have a prognosis that traditionally changes after treatment or over time and in some cases documentation may need to be updated to identify the current level of functioning.
Residence Life policies and procedures outlined in the Student Handbook are applicable to Special Needs Housing. Lincoln University does not discriminate in the provision of housing to students with disabilities. We are committed to providing comparable, convenient, and accessible housing to students with disabilities at the same cost as to others.
Accessibility Services works, closely with Residence Life to address individual student’s needs with disabilities in housing. Demand for on-campus housing is high therefore it is very important that students requesting accommodations comply with all housing application deadlines. Communicating with DSP and submitting applications and documentation early is highly recommended.
Upon receipt of all required documentation – AS will review documentation to verify impairment as disability. Once verification process is complete AS will provide a memo of accommodations to the student who then must contact Residence Life to discuss housing assignments. Please Note: Accessibility Services staff does not perform housing assignments
We ask any student that may need dining accommodation to contact Accessibility Services. To request meal accommodations, students with disabilities must:
In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), and the Fair Housing Act (FHA), animals that support students with disabilities are welcome on campus.
Service Animals is defined differently than Emotional Support Animals and because of this, there are different requirements and approvals for each type of animal on campus.
Service Animals
The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) defines service animals as “dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability.” This includes individuals with physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disabilities. ”The task or work a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to a person’s disability”.
For service animals the University will not require documentation regarding the use of a service animal if the disability and service provided is apparent. If the disability is not readily apparent the University may ask the person for documentation of a disability related need for an assistance animal. Documentation should include only whether the animal is required because of a disability and what work or task the animal has been trained to perform. Service animals are requested to wear appropriate cape or harness identifying them as a service animal.
A student with a documented disability does not need an accommodation to have a service animal on campus, but they must notify Accessibility Services prior to bringing the animal on campus. We will notify various campus community members (public safety, dining services, environmental services, libraries, residence life and the student’s faculty) of the animal’s permitted presence on campus. Generally, service animals are permitted anywhere on campus that students are permitted with a few exceptions. See On-Campus Animal Policy for more information.
Students will be given a housing assignment that is appropriate for them and their dog.
Emotional Support Animals
Emotional Support Animals are not defined under the ADA; these animals are not specifically trained to assist individuals with disabilities. Although, students with certain disabilities may find their symptoms reduced by the comfort and presence on an animal.
Emotional Support Animals are only permitted on campus with a formal accommodation approval from Accessibility Services. Students who wish to request this housing accommodation must go through the registration process.
If approved for an Emotional Support Animal accommodation, students will be given a housing accommodation letter. The student will contact residence life to discuss housing assignment that is appropriate for them and their animal.
For students to meet the need of having an accommodation for an emotional support animal:
Student’s Responsibility
Students using a service animal or emotional support animals are responsible for the animal’s behavior. Service animals or emotional support animals must comply with leash laws and be controlled by the student at all times. The student is ultimately responsible for the cleanliness, grooming and health of the animal, as well as ensuring that proper vaccinations are current, and taking responsibility for the proper disposal of all waste. *See On-Campus Animal Policy
Student must present documentation that the animal has all current immunizations and rabies vaccination required prior to moving the animal into campus residential facilities. Lincoln University reserves the right to require proof of updated vaccinations at any time during the animal’s residency.
Emotional Support Animals are only permitted in the student’s assigned dorm room. Emotional Support Animals are not permitted in other student’s rooms, common areas of the student’s dorm or in the other campus buildings. Please see On-Campus Animals Policy
At the beginning of each semester you are expected to notify your professors that you would like to use your testing accommodations. It is recommended that you meet with your professors in person to discuss course test schedule. If a test proctor is required from Accessibility Services, your professor will complete Exam Proctoring Form and submit it to Accessibility Services. The form outlines dates, timeframes, and durations of the exams for the semester.
Students are required to remind their professor two (2) weeks prior to each scheduled exam to confirm use of your testing accommodations. It is very important to notify your professors in advance to ensure arrangements are made to proctor each exam. Last minute requests to use your testing accommodations may be denied if there is insufficient time to make arrangements.
Requests to reschedule or make-up exams must be approved in advance by your professors. It is your responsibility to meet with your professors to discuss scheduling conflicts or make-up exams in advance. If your extended time overlaps with another class be sure to discuss this with the professor.
1. If you would like to use your approved accommodation you must log into your account at Accommodate and submit accommodation letter request.
2. You are encouraged to request the accommodation letters prior to the start of each semester. We highly recommend that your request your accommodation letters no later than one week after the ADD/DROP deadline, since some accommodation can take time to arrange.
3. Accessibility Services will notify you when your accommodations letters are ready.
4. It is the student’s responsibility to share their accommodations letters at the beginning of each semester with their faculty. Students must notify their professors in advance when they would like to use specific accommodations.
5. Students who wish to use their approved testing accommodations must notify their professors at the beginning of each semester and at least two (2) weeks prior to a scheduled exam to make arrangements.